dimecres, 13 de maig del 2015

HI!!!! There are some original finger rings very  cute and stylish.  Perhaps we are going to do a special section for food rings that are really cute. KISSES.

dimarts, 5 de maig del 2015

We saw some pretty naill arts. We wanted to share it with you, meabe you can get some ideas.
This is the youtube canal from a youtuber ho does nail art for beginners. MissJenFABULOUS

Now we present you an other topic  of  the best girls shoes.
You can found them on the internet with differents colours, this are the one's that we prefer.

dilluns, 4 de maig del 2015

Here we present some spring outfits about different styls like chic, casual and others that we think are really nice. Hope you enjoy.